


▪ The game has so many different types of qualifications. What are they for and what affect?

• qualification of "Agriculture"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of personnel employed in the farm land, and use them more than high technology.The growth of this qualification affects the quality of farm products, the number of personnel engaged in this activity and the efficiency of the enterprises for which this type of training is specialized.

• qualification of "Animal"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of staff employed on livestock farms, and use them more than high technology.The growth of this qualification affects the quality of farm products, the number of personnel engaged in this activity and the efficiency of the enterprises for which this type of training is specialized.

• qualification of "Production"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of personnel employed in factories, mills and sawmills, and use them more than high technology.The growth of this qualification affects the quality of production at the plants, the number of personnel engaged in this activity and the efficiency of the enterprises for which this type of training is specialized.

• qualification of "scientific research"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of staff engaged in research, as well as to explore higher levels of technology.The growth of this qualification affects the amount sold and the amount of technology in the last 30 conversions, the number of personnel engaged in this kind of activity and performance of laboratories.

• qualification of "Marketing"Affects the ability to spend large sums on advertising with maximum efficiency.The growth of this qualification affects the amount of money spent on advertising and the effectiveness of advertising expenditures.

• qualification of "Management"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of staff in each of the offices, which in turn allows you to create more units under the management of this office and to increase spending on "Ride" brand, produced by your product.The growth of this qualification affects the quality of staff employed in offices and the effectiveness of own offices.

• qualification of "Mining"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of staff in each of the mines or neftevyshek.The growth of this qualification affects the quality produced in mines and nefteskvazhinah products, the number of personnel engaged in this activity and the efficiency of the enterprises for which this type of training is specialized.

• qualification of "Trade"Affect the ability to manage large numbers of staff in each of the stores, and thus serve more visitors.The growth of this qualification affects the number of personnel engaged in this kind of activity and performance shops.

▪ I do not know, but on what skills affect stocks?They are "loaded" office workers. The cost of warehousing costs increase with a decrease in the efficiency of managing a warehouse office.

▪ There is a limit to the growth of skill with the game?No. But with each new level of maximum growth rate slowed down a bit

▪ Is it true that the purchase of training points for slowing the growth of skill with the game?Yes and no. Qualifications bought for points added to the current qualification. And as above, with each successive grade skills is growing slowly. On the other hand, the additional delay after attachment to the game's real there.

▪ What to buy different qualifications need different amounts of points?No, raising all kinds of qualifications for points is the same. But with the growth of skills is growing and the number of points that are needed to increase it even more.